How To Start Your Buisness Today

Today we’re diving into a big question that’s been on my mind lately: Should I go self-employed? This comes off the back of a very recent decision I made to quit my 9-5 job and pursue self-employment for the first time. So, if you’re considering self-employment, feeling unsure, or just curious about what it’s like, sit back and let’s explore this together.

The Loneliness of Being Different

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers

When I first started thinking about going self-employed, it was really confusing and isolating. I looked around at my work environment and didn’t see anyone who shared my interest in business ownership or freelancing. It felt like I was the only one who wanted something different, and that was tough.

Everything changed, however, when I attended an event for people interested in starting a buisness. It was the first time I sat in a room full of people who felt exactly the way I did. That was huge. Before that, I had felt so out of place trying to talk about business to people who didn’t understand. So here’s what I realised:

  • Being different can feel alienating, especially when you’re surrounded by people who don’t get it. But just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
  • The fear of leaving stability: Moving away from the comfort of a full-time job, with its predictable paycheques and structure, was daunting. But I had to tune out the noise and listen to what I really wanted.
  • Find your community: If you’re feeling isolated or misunderstood, maybe it’s not you—it could be that you’re surrounded by the wrong people. Seek out like-minded individuals who share your vision.

The Balancing Act: Full-time Job vs Full-time Dream

person holding string lights

Trying to juggle a full-time job and a side business was exhausting. I was physically and mentally drained from working Monday to Thursday in a role that didn’t fulfill me, and then trying to work on my business in my spare time. The reality is, this balancing act isn’t for everyone. If you're struggling to work full time and balance your buisness:

  • You’re not alone: Realising there are others out there like you can be incredibly reassuring. You’re not crazy or weird for feeling exhausted.
  • Recognise what drains you: If your full-time job is taking too much out of you and leaving no room for your passion, it might be time to reassess.
  • Small, part-time jobs can help: When I realised I couldn’t balance both, I decided to look for a part-time role to cover minimum expenses while focusing on my business.

 Overcoming Fear: How I Made the Leap

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

I eventually reached a breaking point where I couldn’t ignore my own feelings anymore. Even though everyone around me was saying, “You need another job lined up,” I knew that continuing in my 9-5 wasn’t going to work for me. Here are some things that helped me decide:

  • Listen to yourself: Only you know your limits, your dreams, and your pain threshold. It’s important to stop seeking validation from others and trust your gut.
  • There’s no one way to go self-employed: I had to accept that my journey into self-employment wouldn’t look like anyone else’s, and that’s okay.
  • Accept the fear: It’s normal to be scared. Fear is part of the process when you’re starting something new.
  • Take action despite fear: I was so nervous to resign that I scheduled my resignation email for the next morning just so I couldn’t change my mind. It was terrifying, but necessary.

Final Thoughts

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If you’re at a crossroads, thinking about whether to stay in a stable job or take the leap into self-employment, here are some key reflections to help guide your decision:

Listen to your inner voice: Take a step back from all the external opinions and really think, Is this the right decision for me?

Embrace the fear: Fear is natural, but it doesn’t have to hold you back. Acknowledge it, but don’t let it stop you from pursuing what feels right.

You can listen to the full episode of The Deborah Missengue Podcast on Spotify for more insights.